CHAMPION !!!!!!!!! , Our Student Jaime Caldes wins the final in a big game, giving everything and pulling hard ... Great Jaime !!!!!!
Great has been the role of all MDZ Tennis Academy alumni who have played Nadal Tour 2015 in Barcelona. First with the classification from previous Antonio Mateos. After the final round big role in Alejandro Garcia Almagro, Antonio Lopez reaching quarterfinals .... and Jaime Caldes reaching and winning the final. Congratulations to all the work done and of course the coach MDZ that accompanied them, Pepe Alcantara, for his commitment and good work.
Video de un punto de la final disputado por Jaime Caldes en el Nadal Tour 2015 en Barcelona. (Link nuestro canal Youtube)
Video de un punto disputado por Antonio Lopez en el Nadal Tour 2015 en Barcelona. (Link nuestro canal Youtube)
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