All MDZ elite players who took part in the Rafa Nadal Tour 2015 in Barcelona performed well and had some great achievements. Antonio Mateos got through to the Main Draw from the Qualifiers. After beating fellow MDZ student, Alejandro Garcia, Antonio Lopez reached the Quarter Finals ... and Jaime Caldes, reached and WON the Final. Congratulations to all of them for their hard work and of course, to the coach that accompanied the boys, Pepe Alcantara, for his commitment and support.
above photo caption: The Champion! MDZ Elite player, Jaime Caldes, wins the Final after a tremendous battle. He gave everything to come out on top ... Well done, Jaime!
Video del punto de partido en la FINAL, disputado por Jaime Caldes en el Nadal Tour 2015 en Sevilla. (Link nuestro canal Youtube)
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