The Academy's philosophy is the all-round development of the player. The growth of the individual as a whole is positively affected ‐ emotionally, physically and intellectually.
Through the various disciplines and skills required of an elite tennis player, the Academy is producing young people with values and skills to help them make the most of their aspirations and opportunities, on court and off, as they move towards adulthood.
The key values MDZ instils in its young players for success:
The Academy operates a Growth Mindset approach to coaching, training its young students in the merits of a strong work ethic. Tirelessly pursuing physical and motor development and mental and emotional strength, the Academy also believes failure is one of the cornerstones of a player's path to improvement.
The aim of the Academy is to offer more children the benefits of the Miguel Dios style of tennis training.
And not just local children.
Responding to the many requests of international parents and their children, the Academy is now offering residential intensive 5 Day Courses to children of between 11 and 16 years.